Gallery: Fed Up march protests opioid crisis

Protestors marched on International Overdose Awareness Day. Fed Up is a national event. There have been 51 rallies in 28 states to call on Federal Government to address the opioid crisis.

Joe Pye | Editor in chief
Participants in the rally wrote messages to loved ones on Tibetan Banner flag-inspired banners.

Joe Pye | Editor in chief
(Left) Elizabeth Fisher, 55, (Right) Gaynelle Gosselin, 48. Both are volunteers with Southeast Florida Recovery Advocates and mothers to sons in recovery.

Joe Pye | Editor in chief
(Left) Solomon Kircher, 26, (Right) Anthony Palestro, 24. Both have been in treatment for three months at Inspire in West Palm.

Joe Pye | Editor in chief
Miami Dade Deputy Mayor Russell Benford spoke about the work his county has done to help fight and prevent opioid and substance abuse.

Joe Pye | Editor in chief
Following the keynote speakers, attendees gathered for a candlelight vigil for friends and loved ones who didn’t survive their battles with drug abuse.