Unsolicited Senior Advice: Navigating the road to graduation

Ryan Lynch’s weekly column tackles not messing up in college like he did. This week: Steps to take during those last few months


Ryan Lynch. Photo courtesy of Mohammed F. Emran

Ryan Lynch, Business Manager

There’s a month left in your college career and you still have no idea what to do after your graduate.


You’ve barely had time to get your cap and gown and now you have to make it through finals week. And don’t forget those student loans breathing down your neck.


It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but you’re not alone. Here are some steps you can take to make it through your final push in college.

Talk to your parents


One of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is have a sit down with your parents.


And while not everyone has that relationship with their parents, if you do, take advantage of it now. They can offer advice on paying rent, loans, and how to start applying for jobs.


Ask them what they wished they knew heading into graduation and what you can do better.


And if you can’t talk to your parents, try another family member or a mentor.

Do your research


Part of the work will be on you during post graduation, not just your academic adviser, especially when it comes to finishing up at FAU.


Make sure you double check your classes before you apply for graduation. I wouldn’t trust advising as they can make mistakes, so it’s a good idea to do some searching in your academic records (myfau) to double check you’ve fulfilled your requirements.


If you’re planning to move, research rents before you get there. Showing up in a new city and trying to find an apartment the day of isn’t a good idea.

Start/finish your job search


If you’re ahead of the game, you should be waiting to hear back from several different jobs on whether or not you’ll be hired. Your career’s start depends on what some hiring manager thinks of you.


For one, be proactive. If it’s late in the game and you feel like you may not get the gig, email them. Be polite, but express that you’re rapidly approaching the point where you need to start making an income.

And make sure you’re prepared for job interviews and you have your resume set. If you don’t have a resume, what are you doing? Make one.

Ryan Lynch is the business manager of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @RyanLynchwriter.