Unsolicited Senior Advice: Working out without burning out

Ryan Lynch’s weekly column tackles not messing up in college like he did. This week: getting, and staying, in shape.


Ryan Lynch. Photo courtesy of Mohammed F. Emran

Ryan Lynch, Business Manager

You’re on the couch, feeling lethargic because you just inhaled a box of Girl Scout cookies. You once were in shape, but now you’re wondering where it all went wrong.

Or, you’ve never worked out and you’re looking to start. Either way, getting in shape can be one of the hardest tasks besides raising your GPA.

And without help, it can be easy to fall into the same habits that made you quit in the first place.

But don’t worry, there are ways to break out of a lazy cycle. Here’s how you can go from tired to energized in a few weeks.

Walk it out

Don’t feel like you have to run a 5K the day you first work out. Starting a healthy habit can be as easy as walking, especially when you have a whole campus to take advantage of.

Try walking between classes instead of moving your car every other hour. With limited parking space, walking is most likely faster than driving anyway.

This’ll help cut down on wasted gas and keep you active.

Over time, try to work your way up to jogging. It’ll help keep your heart healthy and get you off the couch and out of your dorm.

Play a sport

For some people, there’s no joy in lifting weights or running on a treadmill. Sometimes, the most enjoyable way to get in shape is to play a game or sport.

There are plenty of on-campus club sports you can join from soccer to rugby. It’s a lot more fun than staring at a blank wall while nearby body builders lift 10x what you can.

On top of this, joining a team sport is an easy way to meet new people and maybe make some friends along the way.

If you’re looking for less organized competition, there are intramurals run by the campus rec program as well. You can participate in same sex or co-ed competitions for free, as well as short term tournaments or full semester seasons.

And if you want something a little more casual, there are outdoor basketball courts by the baseball field or the community soccer fields by the school’s main Glades entrance.

Focus on shorter workouts

Between classes, your social life, and sleep, it can be difficult finding time to work out. So instead of trying to fit in a full hour, try shortening the amount of time you spend working out.

Shorter workouts are helpful if you find yourself getting tired easily, as they don’t take as long to recover from.

Even just 15-30 minutes at a time makes a difference. Although, you will have to implement these workouts more frequently.

Ryan Lynch is the business manager of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @RyanLynchwriter.