University Press sexual assault resource guide
This interactive feature allows you to view all your medical, emotional, and reporting resources all in one place.

If we missed any resources or if you have ways to make this feature as informative as possible, email [email protected] with your suggestions.
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Kristen Grau is the managing editor of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet her at @_kristengrau.
Ryan Lynch is a reporter at the Orlando Business Journal and former editor-in-chief of the University Press. For information regarding this story, email [email protected].
About the Contributors
Kristen Grau, Editor in Chief
Kristen is a senior multimedia journalism major who previously worked as features editor. She hopes to do long-form feature reporting for a magazine and...
Ryan Lynch, Business Manager
Ryan is a senior multimedia journalism major who's minoring in business law and psychology. He was once a two-time editor in chief for the paper, but that's...