These men’s facial grooming techniques – or lack thereof – had us and many other people staring and asking questions last year.

Coolest mustache
Alexander Fanian
Alexander Fanaian was going for creepy when he started growing out his mustache – and that’s exactly what he got.
At the start of November, Fanaian set out to grow a full mustache to fundraise for “Movember,” an event that raises money for prostate cancer awareness – and he came up with an idea that left us pretty impressed.
Inspired by Paul Teutul from Discovery Channel’s American Chopper, Fanaian grew a similar mustache with two scruffy “handle bars” hanging from his face, to his neck – except his wasn’t grey. It was so out there that other mustaches just couldn’t compare. Some were bushy and weird –– but not weird enough –– and others were just too normal.
Fanaian thought outside of the box.
“I saw it on TV and said, ‘That’s what I’m gonna do,’” he said “I was looking for the creepiest one, ‘cause you get the most attention.”
According to Fanaian, strangers were quite baffled by “the ‘stache,” so much that he got looks screaming “you’re a weirdo” on a daily basis.
“Random people came up to me and asked, ‘Seriously, why do you have that?’” he said. “I’d say about two to three people per day.”
At his jobs waiting tables at both Kapow! and Dubliner Irish Pub in Mizner Park, Fanaian could tell people wanted to ask him about it, but no one ever dared.
“It was always awkward walking up to tables and talking to customers,” he said.
Maybe he looked like a weirdo for a while, but if you can find a way to combine creepy, unique and ridiculous, you’re cool in our book.
Sadly, on the first day of December, Fanaian finally shaved it off. The famous ‘stache was so “horribly itchy” he couldn’t wait another day. We’ll just have to wait until next “Movember,” when he’ll hopefully blow us all away with another eccentric ‘stache.

Best beard
Joch Anderson
You’ve most likely seen Joch Anderson – and his long, flowing, tri-colored beard – at least once in his usual hang out spot, the Student Union.
And if you’re like me, you probably said to yourself something along the lines of “Whoa, that is one serious beard.”
It starts off dark brown at the top, but turns blonde by the time it gets to the bottom due to years of sun exposure. It’s wild, free and more than a foot in length. It makes Anderson look like the South Floridian version of a young Albus Dumbledore — who, unless you’ve been living under a rock for over a decade — you know is the man.
But how long exactly did it take to grow out this bad boy? Apparently, the last time he was hairless was when many of us were in junior high – about eight years ago. After years of being asked this question, Anderson did the math to come up with an exact answer.
“I haven’t actually shaved for about eight years,” he said, “but the last time I trimmed it was two years and seven months ago. And when I did, I left nine months of growth on it. So that’s about three years and four months.”
While we think it’s just plain cool to rock a beard of this magnitude, Anderson’s reason for having it is more than a desire to impress. He started growing it out when he got a job as a life guard on the beach. Since he’s allergic to sunscreen, he had to resort to a large sun hat and a mask of facial hair to keep from getting sunburnt.
Anderson’s beard hasn’t only attracted our attention, though. Other students can’t help but notice it, too.
“I’m pretty sure that beard is his trademark,” said freshman education major Samantha Winslow, who has seen him on numerous occasions around the Student Union. “That’s what we all know him as —the guy with the really crazy beard.”
Some people call it crazy. He calls it his protection from the sun. We call it his claim to fame.