University poll sees Floridians split on Charlottesville events
The College of Business polling initiative shows a tight race for the U.S. senate, as well as the Florida governor seat.

Photo courtesy of the Business and Economics Polling Initiative at FAU
September 17, 2017
FAU’s Business and Economic Polling Initiative released Floridians’ take on the upcoming governor and Senate races, Confederate statues, and President Donald Trump’s popularity.
The College of Business survey polled 800 registered voters from Florida via an online sample and an automated telephone questionnaire.
Forty-two percent of people surveyed favored current U.S. Senator Bill Nelson retaining his seat versus 40 percent who favoured his challenger, current Florida Governor Rick Scott.
President Trump’s approval rating was another point of discussion with 37 percent believing he’s doing a good job as president — up from June when it was 35 percent. This could have been partly due to his decision to restrict the renewed relations with Cuba that began under former President Barack Obama.
Forty-four percent disagreed with his statement, “there is blame on both sides,” regarding the recent Charlottesville, Virginia events, while 42 percent supported it. Fourteen percent were undecided.
Floridians were also polled on whether statues of Confederate leaders should remain standing. Forty-nine percent supported leaving the statues in public places, while 30 percent said they should be removed and 21 percent were undecided.
When it came to gun control, 43 percent supported concealed handgun carry with a license while 15 percent favoured licensed open handgun carry. Thirty-four percent said handguns shouldn’t be legal in public and 7 percent favoured public handgun carry without a license.
In terms of the Affordable Care Act, 37 percent wanted it replaced, 33 percent want parts of it repealed, and 30 percent saw no need for any changes.
The survey had a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points, while the political seat polls had an error of +/- 6.5 percentage points. The registered voters poll was conducted from Aug. 24-26.
Nate Nkumbu is a staff writer with the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @FoureyedNate.