October BEPI poll released has Hillary Clinton leading in Florida over Donald Trump
This will be the Democratic candidate’s first lead over Trump in the poll since August.

Photo courtesy of the Business and Economics Polling Initiative at FAU
October 16, 2016
A new poll by the Business and Economics Polling Initiative at Florida Atlantic University has Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton leading the 2016 Presidential race by six points among likely voters in the state over Republican Party candidate Donald Trump.
The poll, which was released on Oct. 10, said Clinton had an eight point increase over Trump since the last version released in August, when he led his opponent 43 percent to 41 percent.
According to the news release on the poll, the current economic outlook of the poll participants played into who voters supported. Seventy-seven percent of people believing it had improved over the past year said they were supporting Clinton, while 70 percent of those that said that the economy has gotten worse over that time said they were supporting Trump.
The polling initiative also sorted voters by gender and found that Clinton possesses a 51 to 42 percent lead over the Republican presidential nominee among females. She also holds an 46 to 45 percent lead among male voters.
By region, Trump has the backing of voters in North Florida by 60 percent, while trailing in central and south Florida by 36 and 38 percent respectively.
National polls including from Quinnipiac University have Clinton leading in Florida by five percent over the republican nominee while the Wall Street Journal has her leading Trump by two percent.
Sharon Moawald, a freshman biology major, said that the poll seem accurate and makes sense given the recent debate which Clinton won.
“The polls around the country say that Clinton is winning, so if Trump supporters have an issue with that, that’s their problem,” she said.
Devjanne Sen, a freshman studying Computer Engineering, said that while the BEPi results seem right compared to national polls, she doesn’t support either candidate.
“Most of my friends think the same way as I do about this election, especially with issues such as police brutality and race,”she said. “But if you asked us which one we would vote for, we would choose Clinton because she’s the lesser of the two evils.”
Nate Nkumbu is a contributing writer with the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @FoureyedNate.