[This is an updated version of this story.]

Coyote Jack’s is no more.
The on-campus bar is still in the bowels of the Boca campus Student Union, but under a new name — “The Burrow Bar & Grill.”
From April 3 through April 16, Business Services and Chartwells held a contest where students entered their ideas with the chance to re-name Coyote Jack’s.
“Brands on college campuses have a very different lifespan than traditional brands,” said Business Services Assistant Director Richard Hue. “National brands such as those we have on campus have a life of maybe five to seven years.”
FAU’s Business Services program looks at those brands to see what needs to be updated, and what needs to be changed out.
“We were hoping to get submissions that reflected school spirit and tradition,” Hue said. “As we evolve into a traditional campus, we look to have a location that reflects Florida Atlantic University.”
According to FAU Dining Services, the contest received over 600 submissions. The student submissions were compiled and evaluated by the Business Services staff who worked directly with Chartwells’ management.
22 days later, the winner was announced over the FAU Dining Services Facebook page.
On May 31, FAU student Katelyn Elliott was announced as the winner through the FAU Dining Services Facebook page for her entry, “The Burrow Bar & Grill.”
The UP tried to contact Elliott, but she could not be reached as of publication time.
When the UP announced the name change on Facebook, Rachel Nadleman, a senior english major responded with: “Isn’t ‘The Burrow’ the name of the basketball court? That’s confusing.”
But it isn’t just Coyote Jack’s name that’s changing, according to Hue.
“As far as the interior, it will reflect FAU in particular in the colors,” Hue said. “Many of the menu’s favorites will remain but we have added more “finger foods” such as potato skins, pot stickers, sliders and the like.”
This should please Twitter users like @Kingofpodcasts and @EvanPBennett who told us “I would like it better if it offered a full bar and more menu options,” and “will the food improve?” respectively.
The restaurant formerly-known-as-Jack’s will be closed over the summer for it’s makeover, and is expected to reopen for the fall Semester on August 26.
“We hope that The Burrow Bar and Grill is that place where students feel at home,” Hue said. “Our greatest hope is that this location becomes the place where students go and create their FAU memories.”
Check Upressonline.com for more updates on the renovated and renamed Boca campus bar: The Burrow Bar & Grill.