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Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


A White Collar Orgy on a Blue-Collar Dime

It is no doubt that Wall Street has ravaged middle-class America and left it cold, beaten, and confused in a dark back alley off of Main Street, only to impregnate it with the burden of our current financial crisis. Where will this bastard child end up? Can we raise it to be a stable and upstanding part of society, or will it be a ward of the state, released at 18, and allowed to run free, and possibly follow its dead-beat father’s footsteps, only to repeat the cycle once more? We cannot even begin to look at the future of this until we investigate the crime that led to its conception.

Wall Street has run a savage burn on America, and stuck the working class with the bill. It is not fair, however, to blame only Wall Street; corporate America, along with the current administration and its economic policies, has also taken a ride on our dime. Fueled by greed and driven by power-drunk executives, their joy ride is bound to end in a fatal crash, one that will back up the financial highway for miles. The hammer must be brought down on these swine. Greed has left the average American struggling for survival, financially speaking. Re-mortgaging one’s house used to be a fairly standard solution to some heavy financial burdens, but as we have all seen, that system has failed us too. Sub-prime mortgage rates have been leaving homeowners with no other option than foreclosure, kicking them to the curb while the banks wipe their hands clean of any remorse. Rising gas prices from our dependence on foreign oil, alongside investment speculation (further driving up the price through increased speculated demand), have also left the people’s hands tied. Greed and corruption amidst Wall Street and the Government has tied us to the stakes, and now, that same government is seducing us with the “freedom” of their Bailout Plan. But who really benefits? CEO’s that ran their companies into the ground walk away with obscene severance packages, while middle-class America is still getting laid off left and right due to such a poor economy. So what’s the score here? The rich profit once again by taking advantage the weak. The free market economy is only free for the vultures who “control” it (by letting it control itself), devouring the remains of the middle-class and spitting them back in their twitching faces, laughing heinously all the way to the bank.

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