Before anyone leaves their home for a public appearance or some sort of personal interaction, most have a tendency to put clothing on, maybe shower and then eat. æA person will also throw on an invisible, perhaps superficial, figurative mask. æI know when I go out into public, I reach into a giant box of these masks, all with a multitude of concealing functions. æI probably own hundreds, and I have found myself wearing these masks more often than ever before.
A mask has a number of functions and subsequential metaphors. æFor the most general of purposes, a mask is best known to cover; physically worn over a face to disguise, amuse or terrify. æIt can be made from a number of textiles and colors and it can be the likeness of someone live or dead, usually made of clay or wax. æAs well, a mask can have a more figurative connotation, such as a mask of pretense.
The masks of pretense may consist of emotion, fear, political ties, sexual orientation, respect, sensation and so on. æWhatever meanings we derive from each of the masks, their ability to conceal is always constant and consistent. æThis is especially true when one is involved in a tragic life altering event.
If you remember the column from last month, I wrote of an event that happened in June 2006. æThe event was a fatal car accident that involved a pedestrian, myself and alcohol. Like many people who witnessed the accident, or for people who have had similar and tragic events in their life time, it becomes etched into memory. æThis is not a pleasant memory and it is extremely haunting.
Concealing tragic events and the memories attached to them may not be proper or healthy. æPerhaps one would do something different. æHowever, a mask for me, especially when a person is involved with a death, is something I feel compelled to use.
Thus, the evening of the accident began just as any normal one and there was no thought of what could possibly lie ahead. æAfter a few drinks, a person may ask them self how he or she feels and if it’s possible to drive. æThat is what I did and as an educator, I should have known better.
No matter the setting, the situation, or the ability to walk straight and then drive, a few drinks will put you over the legal limit of .08. æWhat awaits someone along the drive home is a broad, loose speculation. æThis is something I learned first hand.
There is no absolute method for predicting the events that may unfold. æIt may sound cliché, but everyone is vulnerable to the situations I present to you. æBelieve it or not, it happens too often. æIt’s unfortunate that many tragic situation and the resulting consequences that follow can easily be prevented. æI learned this the hard way.
Drinking and driving is not something you want to involve yourself in. æIf an accident occurs, the ensuing sirens you hear are real. æWhat follows the sirens are real emergency vehicles and then discussions with police. æAnxiety, depression and the realization that someone lies lifeless in the street sets in.
Although it is extremely difficult, I’ll slowly chip away at my mask(s), revealing what lies underneath. æFrom these experiences I hope to move forward, grow stronger and gather the skills to educate and share. æIt is not an experience any one should go through and I am lucky to be alive writing this column.
This column will continue monthly throughout 2008.
Shane Eason is a faculty member at FAU SCMS. æHe is available to discuss the dangers of driving under the influence to youth groups and schools in the South Florida region.