There is an authentic ’50s diner that actually exists in Delray. Ellie’s ’50s Diner comes complete with waitresses in poodle skirts, jukeboxes and a life-sized Elvis cardboard cut out. (Who says the classics are dead?) Sure, a retro-themed diner makes for a great atmosphere, but the best part of this place is the food.
The menu is also themed – every dish is named after a popular song, which means you might have to swallow your pride while ordering “Great Balls of Fire” ($9.57). But a burger is a burger whatever you want to call it.
The best and healthiest entrée is the tuna melt ($7.97) or the chicken salad ($8.57). But if you don’t mind having a crane lift you out of the restaurant, go ahead and order the burger and the root beer float.
Ellie ’50s Diner is moderately-priced – around $10-15 a person – but beware: they don’t accept credit cards. Make sure to swing by the ATM before going, as they don’t make any exceptions and it might be embarrassing if you can’t pony up the dough after you’ve ordered.
2410 N. Federal Highway, Delray Beach, Florida 33483. Call (561) 276-7716, or visit