With the onset of college comes the decision of whether or not to join a fraternity or sorority. For the students who plan to pledge, or even those who are just curious, a couple of FAU sorority sisters decided to share some secrets with the UP on how to go about getting involved in Greek Life.
“Go through the whole Rush Week with an open mind,” Alpha Xi Delta member and psychology major Monica Wassatt says. “Don’t have your mind set on one specific sorority [or fraternity] because you might end up being chosen by another one.”
Rush Week, the Greek Life recruitment period, is held at the beginning of each fall and spring semester. The campus sororities and fraternities hold events, from parties to poker nights, which they advertise on flyers handed out in highly trafficked campus areas, such as the Breezeway on the Boca campus. Rush Week for the fall 2007 semester will be held Sept. 3-8 for sororities and Sept. 9-14 for fraternities.
When attending Greek sponsored events, though, it is always important to behave yourself; while wearing a lampshade on your head may seem like a good idea at the time, it could reflect poorly on the frat’s or sorority’s perception of you.
“We notice the little things, like if they get wasted and dance on tables, [or] do crazy stuff every night of the week,” Wassatt says.
Fraternities and sororities also have a grade point average requirement, which all members must meet. Students who show academic excellence in a field of study may also be invited to join an academic fraternity, which is open to students of both genders.
FAU’s National Pan-Hellenic Counsel President Amanda Clare suggests that students read up on each fraternity or sorority they are interested in joining before Rush Week, so that each potential new member knows which group(s) would be the best fit for them.
Below is a list of the fraternities and sororities offered at FAU, as well as the web addresses for each Greek organization’s national chapter.
National Social Sororities at FAU
? Alpha Kappa Alphahttp://www.aka1908.com/
? Alpha Nu Omegahttp://www.alphanuomega.org
? Alpha Xi Deltahttp://www.alphaxidelta.org/
? Delta Phi Epsilonhttp://www.dphie.org/
? Delta Sigma Thetahttp://www.deltasigmatheta.org/
? Lambda Theta Alphahttp://www.lambdalady.org/
? Theta Phi Alphahttp://www.thetaphialpha.org/
? Zeta Phi Betahttp://www.zphib1920.org/
? Alpha Epsilon Pihttp://www.aepi.org/
? Alpha Nu Omegahttp://www.alphanuomega.org
? Alpha Tau Omegahttp://www.ato.org/
? Beta Chi Thetahttp://www.betachitheta.com/
? Beta Theta Pihttp://www.betathetapi.org/
? Kappa Alpha Psihttp://www.kappaalphapsi1911.com/
? Lambda Theta Phihttp://www.lambda1975.org/
? Phi Beta Sigmahttp://www.pbs1914.org/
? Pi Kappa Alphahttp://www.pikes.org/
? Sigma Alpha Muhttp://www.sam.org/
? Sigma Phi Epsilonhttp://www.sigep.org/
? Zeta Beta Tauhttp://www.zbt.org/zbt/