Test Prep Tutors – Score At The Top is looking for FAU students with 3.5 and over GPAs to help prepare high school students for SATs and the like. You can make $20 dollars an hour and hit on minors. Sound like fun? Call (561) 241-1610.
Staff Accountant – Ever wondered what accountants count? They count their 40k starting salary. Kramer Professional Staffing is looking for an accounting grad with Excel knowledge and either some experience or at least a really good GPA. For more information, call (561) 544-4984.
IT Administrator – Like to play golf? Know how to jockey a Terminal Server? A PGA National Resort and Spa is looking for an IT administrator to work full-time at a starting salary of 30k. For more information, call (561) 227-2524.
Reading Tutor – Help students read for $15 an hour. For more information, call (954) 476-0377.
Personal Assistant – Assist a person. Light office duties, coordinate calendars and itineraries, real estate duties, shop. Wide variety of duties from making breakfast to planning worldwide travel. Must be computer literate, dependable, organized, detail-oriented. This is a full-time position that pays $12 per hour. For more information, call (561) 243-0630. Assistant Store Manager – Sprint is looking for someone to work full-time in Sunrise for $18 per hour. For more information, call (813) 391-7794.
Model – Sessano Enterprises Inc. is looking for tea room. The position pays $20 per hour. For more information, call (561) 718-8970.House Cleaning – For $40 per hour, you can clean houses for two to four hours once a week. For more information, call (561) 488-9890.
Lifeguards – The FAU Pool is seeking lifeguards with current American Red Cross Lifeguards, CPR for the Professional Rescuer and First Aid certifications. Flexible hours and competitive pay. For more information contact Niki Jones at (561) 297-3744.
Prenatal Health Care Advocate– The overall goal of this program is to increase access to prenatal care to targeted high-risk populations by providing a Prenatal Health Care Advocate to enlighten men about the importance of early and regular prenatal care. The position requires a high school education as well as Spanish, Mayan, or Creole bilingual skills, knowledge of community resources and maternal child issues preferred, and the ability to perform a variety of outreach activities: Door-to-door, group/networking, and community events. For more information, call (561) 804-9987.
Promotional Model – Sheer Elegance is seeking swimsuit models in sports bars and restaurants. The position will pay between $50 and $100 per hour. For more information, call (954) 428-1824.
Music Teacher – Arcmusic of Boca is seeking qualified individuals to teach all instruments to young children. For more information, contact Lou Jeff at (561) 470-6875.
Tele-counselors – The Office of Undergraduate Admissions needs current students with one year of experience at FAU to contact prospective FAU students about the University and the admissions process. Applicants must be involved on campus and have had a residential life experience. Tele-counselors will work 16-20 hours per week at a rate of $7.50 per hour. If you are enthusiastic and are articulate about your FAU experience please contact Kathy Czaja at (561) 297-1262 or at [email protected].