Surrounded by steep faced skate ramps and confronted with an energetic audience, local band Fallen From the Sky displayed their raw talent with a hard-hitting set at the Pompano Indoor Skate Park March 12, 2005. As the band stroked, sang and banged, the crowd bounced their heads and belted out the lyrics with the same vivacity as lead singer, Ryan Loughney.
Set against a graffiti stained backdrop, members of FFTS shared their passion for music with the crowd. Their energy and chemistry became apparent with the first song and was reinforced with their last. In between their songs Loughney talked to the crowd and voiced the band’s support of the other groups which had played that evening. This group of friends from Boca Raton, serves as a perfect example of the underplayed and underexposed bands on the local circuit that bring new energy and style to punk music.
Having been friends for ten years, the band recalls fondly how their music careers began. Bassist, Marcus Kora, explained “we started playing because we wanted to have a good time with our friends.” During their tenure at Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, different members of the band had tried to create their own respective bands. The dissolution of their previous bands, allowed the group of tight-knit friends to pull their talents together and create Fallen From the Sky. In March 2002 Loughney, Kora, Guitarist Eric Jazvac, and Drummer Giancarlo Aservi set out to make a name for themselves in the local scene.
After playing on the local circuit for two years the band welcomed guitarist, Ky Morland, adding both depth and diversity to the group. Their wide variety of musical influences has contributed greatly to the group’s unique style and sound. Since their creation FFTS has put out two demos, two EP’s, and have been featured on three punk compilation albums. They have also won five Battle of the Bands awards, one of which secured them a spot on the Ernie Ball stage of the Warped Tour.
Fallen From the Sky has been touring off and on for two years and has gained both a national and international following. To finance their tours they have been selling cd’s and merchandise to supportive fans. When they are not practicing, touring, or recording they can be found working in regular jobs ranging from Chinese food delivery to old woman’s shoe sales. Members of FFTS have all set their education aside in order to pursue their passion for music. After signing with South Florida label, JMB Records, in November of 2004 members of the band released their latest album “Tune Out the World”. Set to leave for tour within the month members of Fallen from the Sky are hopeful about their future in the music industry.
Fallen From The Sky are:
Ryan Loughney, VocalsMarcus Kora, BassEric Jazvac, VocalsGiancarlo Aservi, DrumsKy Morland, Guitar