For immediate releaseDoes it smell in outer space?
Does it smell in outer space? What about on Mars? Think it smells on Earth (or your dorm room), try living in a space capsule for a few months. If you want to discuss smells in space, you have to see this: There’s a new technology which may be applicable to future manned space exploration. O.ZONELitesTM are a spiral shaped light bulb coated with titanium dioxide (TiO2). As air passes through, the result is oxidation, which attacks and destroys microbes by disintegrating their DNA. The reaction also kills dust mites and mold. And, eliminates odors.
According to some speculators, this may be of great value not only to Earth, but to controlling the confined area of the International Space Station (ISS) and of any other space faring unit. Theorists suggest that the bulbs could help to control contagion as well as slow the rate of organism mutations that could lead to killer microbes.
At only 23 watts, the bulb emits as much illumination as a 100-watt incandescent bulb, making it energy efficient as it neutralizes smoke and odors. According to deMartino and O.ZONE LitePresident William C. Stone, O.ZONELite uses no toxic chemicals and the product is more cost-effective than HEPA filters and air ionizers, which only trap airborne particles.
deMartino and Stone introduced the bulbs to the United States’ earth-bound market in December 2003. The bulbs immediately started making headlines, but deMartino says he didn’t foresee the bulbs becoming the hot topic in planet Mars chat rooms.
O.ZONELite is headquartered in Deerfield Beach, Florida and the bulbs may be purchased at the company web site
_______________________Linda Hamburger
Director of Media Relations
Transmedia Group
TEL:(561)750-9800 EXT: 29