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Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


Football! It’s more than just a game

Is it the football game or the football party that makes this sport so popular? The die-hard football fan would argue that strategic play-by-play action is what this game is all about. On the flipside there are many other people who enjoy football because of the crowds, beer, spirit, and just plain fun that coincides with the sport. American football is famous for bringing out a youthful spirit in people. Fans pick their favorite teams and become swallowed by pride and loyalty.

This football season opened on September 4, and will continue until Super Bowl Sunday at the end of January. Many parties are held, and bars will fill with fans cheering on their teams. Football provides many chances for old friends to reunite and new friends to be made. These gatherings are unique due to the energy and enthusiasm that is associated with football camaraderie. The fans are so alive, which creates a perfect atmosphere for the enjoyment of the game.

A vast array of ages, races, and sexes anxiously await the start of the football season. Both the college and professional leagues attract a huge portion of television viewers on the weekends. College teams play on Thursday and Saturday, while the professional teams play on Sunday and Monday. All together four out of the seven days of the week are reserved for football. American television viewers are bombarded with this sport five months out of the year.

Many social events are held over the course of the football season. The playoffs, the Super Bowl, and team rivalries all attract large crowds. The most famous local rivalries are FSU vs. UF, and the Dolphins vs. Jets. For the big game, the otherwise busy American can take time out of their everyday life to enjoy the company of others. These games bring together passionate people to unite or compete.

Physically speaking, football condones screaming, yelling, and releasing energy in a productive way. This can be done with others or alone, but is clearly acceptable anywhere a football game is on. It is this feeling of free expression that makes the game so great. Different views are what make football competitive and enjoyable. It is more than just a game it’s an experience. So grab a friend and join the fun, because football season’s just begun.

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