The great thing about an air show is that it’s as exciting as the special effects of a movie, but you’re right there, live, on-hand to see it. Plus, the stunts are real and the pilots are excellent.
Just to see the control a pilot has over his machine amazes me. The planes are massive, yet they seem to fly so effortlessly through the air. Aerobatic flying is an art.
Witnessing modern technology and master flying skills is an awe-inspiring experience. Plus, you get a tan. Where else can you see people perform high-risk maneuvers while not intoxicated?
There is a thrill in seeing two planes nearly crash into each other. It’s like a magic show where the object of the optical illusions is flying at over 600 mph.
While I do enjoy just watching planes fly close over-head, the stunts are by far the best part.
Plus these shows get my boyfriend outdoors.