A letter by College Democrats

Vice President of the College of Republicans at FAU tells why students should vote Republican


Illustration by Ivan Benavides

Catherine Theriault, College Democrats Representative

For most college students, the 2016 presidential election will be their first time ever casting their vote. Students will make their decisions based on the candidates, their stance on issues and likely the political affiliation of the candidate.

Ultimately, regardless of who they choose to vote for, their choices will shape the course of American politics for decades to come. The next president will likely appoint as many as four Supreme Court Justices. Issues like climate change, economic inequality, foreign policy and student loans will be debated extensively throughout the next year, and students will need to make an informed decision come 2016.

President Barack Obama has been president for almost seven years, and under his presidency the United States has seen progressive policies implemented on numerous issues, ranging from healthcare to environmental.

For instance, because of the Affordable Care Act, no one can legally be denied healthcare coverage due to pre-existing conditions, and young people can now stay on their parents’ plan until the age of 26.

Additionally, during his terms President Obama has shown overwhelming support for LGBT Americans, and thankfully discriminatory policies such as Don’t Ask Don’t Tell are no longer in existence. More so, marriage equality is now a nationwide reality, and violence against LGBT Americans is now considered a hate crime under federal law.

The Democratic candidates for the U.S. Presidency are all committed to continuing President Obama’s legacy. All the candidates bring to the table years of commitment to social justice, and are devoted to working to build a better future for the nation. Senator Bernie Sanders is dedicated to fighting the growing disparity between the wealthiest and richest Americans, Secretary Hillary Clinton brings to the table her foreign policy and diplomatic expertise, which will be undoubtedly necessary in the years to come, and Governor O’Malley has come out with detailed approaches to immigration reform and gun violence prevention.

The Democratic candidates are committed to helping Americans and are ready to address the issues of student debt in the nation. Hillary Clinton has proposed the “New College Compact,” a plan that would make community college free. Similarly, Bernie Sanders has proposed to make tuition free at all public college and universities, and stop the U.S. Government from profiting on student loans.

All the Democratic candidates have noted that making vocational programs more accessible is also of the essence if we are to continue to thrive as a nation in the 21st century.

The 2016 Presidential Elections will likely be one of the most important elections for our generation. Voters will be tasked with electing candidates willing to tackle the issues.