At around 6 p.m. on Tuesday night, freshman Scott Katz sat down to a typical meal for a college student: four mini-burgers, fries, and a free glass of water.
But a day and a half later, Katz was still waiting for his next meal.
“It’s been seventeen hours since I last ate, this sucks,” said Katz.
Early this morning, a reported shooting took place at the Student Apartments on the Boca Raton campus, putting the entire campus on lockdown and leaving many residential students like Katz locked in their dorm rooms without access to the cafeteria.
However, hours after Katz’s last meal, relief finally came to the lobby of Heritage Park Towers in the form of bread, peanut butter, orange juice and assorted fruits.
Although Katz was able to eat, he said the food wasn’t enough, nor was it enjoyable.
“It’s a feast for the annexed,” Katz said. He added that the food was gone within an hour, and that the orange juice was “disgusting.”
Meanwhile, in Algonquin Hall, senior Lauren Pickett can relate to Katz across the Housing Lawn.
“I’ve been up since 7 a.m., and I ate a banana,” she said. But despite being fed, the food hasn’t been able to fill her up. “Bread, bananas, and apples can only tide you over for so long.”
According to Katz, even though the lockdown is being lifted, residential students will be fed a lunch of ham and cheese sandwiches while the cafeteria prepares to be reopened for dinner at 4:30 p.m.
UP staff writer Dori Zinn contributed to this article.