For many college students, setting and achieving goals can be hard to follow with all the daily responsibilities, but motivational speaker Tony Deliso has seven steps in goal setting that he guarantees will work for anyone. Deliso spoke at a seminar held at the Davie campus Tuesday, August 24 and discussed the steps from his book Legacy: The Power Within. 1) Use clear thinking, write down what you want and start your goal setting with what you intend to accomplish.2) Gather information through friends, newspapers, etc. Use the scientific method. “I personally believe that the solution precedes the problem,” said Deliso.3) Interpret the information, decide if your goal is feasible. 4) Develop solutions, or things that are going to strengthen your goal. 5) Select the best practical solution and create a plan of action. 6) Put your solution into effect, plan your work, then work your plan7) Evaluate your plan as time passes. Have patience and be flexible.
Visit Deliso’s website for more information on his book and upcoming book release party At Baja Beach Club in Ft. Lauderdale.
Upcoming Events at Davie Campus
September 13, 2004Free Breakfast 8:30-9:30 amLA Breezeway
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