This is in response to Lily Ladeira’s article about Broward’s job fair, in the February 12th edition.
I went to that job fair with resumes in hand; I even took a day off work to attend. The result? Unfortunately, I didn’t get to hand out a single resume. It just wasn’t worth what I sacrificed.
Sure, as Lily stated, there may have been about twenty different tables out there, but what did they consist of? The army, the CIA, Walgreens (do I need a job fair to work retail?), University of Phoenix trying to recruit Davie students to attend classes there, and a few other places. The job fair catered to accounting students or maybe political science students; however, there was not a single company there to appeal to the interests of people who have artistic and creative writing skills. Someone from the advertising industry, the Public Library, or a newspaper could have sufficed. I wonder if Career Development ever thought of that. In other words, as usual, if you are an English major in Davie, fat chance on anything interesting for us to do. A professor of mine stopped by to see it, and what did she say? “What a joke!”
Sincerely,Sharon Rinkiewicz