When you combine a few FAU student organizations, not only is there a show of diversity, there is an outcome called “The 3rd Annual Scholar’s Night.”
The driving force behind this event consists of Boca Raton Student Government, Muslim Student Organization MSO, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, DITTO Inventive Minds Organization, Athletic Student Association, and American Marketing Association. These organizations are working all hours of the day to make this event simply magnificent.
Unfortunately, not all of us students know what is going on behind the scenes of this event, especially concerning who the people are that are involved in making the event a possibility. The Annual Scholars’ Night celebration takes place on March 23, from 6 to 10 p.m. in the Life Long Learning Center on the Boca Raton Campus.
At last year’s Scholar’s Night, Dr. Khalid Hamza said, “Tonight we gather under the collegial and humanitarian umbrella. We do so, not only to enjoy a night of intellectuality, but also of learning about the truth, to see with our eyes, hear with our own ears, and feel with our own hearts the cries of the young, the weeping of the old, and the wound of the wise!”
It was under Dr. Hamza’s leadership and guidance, the dedicated work of its president and the many devoted MSO members, that the Muslim Student Organization grew from a not-so-well-known organization with about 27 members to become one of if not the most prestigious student organizations on campus, with over 800 members.
Pablo E. Paez, Boca Raton’s Student Government Governor said, ” One of the reasons for Student Government’s involvement in this event is due to the lack of tradition at FAU. The Scholar’s Night is the start of a tradition at FAU.
“In the future we would like to have a religious week, a celebration of Religious ideals as well as religious organizations. The scholars’ night will be and has been that foundation that we are going to build upon.”
Boca Raton Senator and MSO President David Johnson, probably one of the busiest student organization presidents who is totally dedicated to the betterment of FAU and its reputation, is one of the most active organizers for the event. Johnson stated, “The MSO has been working extremely hard in coordination with Dr. Hamza’s plans to make the 3rd Annual Scholars’ Night the most prestigious successful event yet. It is Senator Johnson’s opinion that this year’s Scholars’ Night, in collaboration with the three internationally recognized scholars “will educate and inform the March 23rd audience, while bringing an unbiased perspective to the FAU student body. This time of year definitely brings with it an increased responsibility and commitment to the individuals at the forefront in event organizing.
Senator Johnson has been meeting with students and Dr. Hamza even during the later hours and almost on a daily basis preparing this event. He later added that, ” it is my sincere hope and desire that all the hard work and sacrifices put in to make this event a possibility, will yield to a greater good to which students will gain a higher understanding, and appreciation for cultural compatibility, and complexity. There is no reason for us not to lead the intellectual climate ahead of all other colleges and universities. And we are doing just that.
“We want all to know that FAU is the best and is the most diverse university not only in Florida but the US. We must all work hard and smart to make a difference with honesty, harmony, and much intelligence!”
American Marketing Association President Rizmeer Razik stated, “This is the second year AMA along with myself is taking an active role and responsibility in the Scholars’ Night preparations. AMA is proud to be a part of such an intellectual gathering and looks forward to many continuing years of success with MSO and Student Government.”
The 3rd Annual Scholars’ night is an event not to be taken lightly. Even Nicholas Kalman, Boca Raton’s Senate Speaker and President of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars is endorsing this event. He exclaimed, “National Society of Collegiate Scholars was started on the principals of leadership, scholarship and service, and it is an honor and privilege to be able to contribute to this event and make it possible to happen.”
It is apparent that students are coming together from all backgrounds and being leaders of this movement, a movement of peace. A movement that states that in spite of all the tragedies of last year, students are able to work together. The theme of the Scholars’ Night is “Building and Nurturing Cultures of Peace.”
Even though this sounds utopian, it is something that everyone everywhere in the world should strive for. Like perfection – nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes but we can try our best to be perfect, just like we can make an effort to strive for peace.
As Dr. Hamza elegantly described in the program guide for last years Scholars’ Night, “Let us build in solidarity a world of peace and harmony; a world of humanity!”
The question is: Can that be done?