Boca House member resigns before his impeachment hearing

Rep. Alexander Suarez sent a letter of resignation to Student Government this past Saturday.

Rep. Alexander Suarez spoke to the House last Friday, a day before he resigned. Photo by Israel Fontoura

Israel Fontoura, Contributing Writer

Editors Note: This story has been updated with a comment from Alexander Suarez and Javier Bravo on the screenshots in the Articles of Impeachment.

Over the weekend, former Boca House of Representatives member Alexander Suarez emailed his letter of resignation to the House.

Suarez was the subject of Articles of Impeachment that were read at the last House meeting this past Friday.

Two members of the Boca House of Representatives had filed Articles of Impeachment against Suarez on several counts, including but not limited to incompetence and neglect of duty. They also allege that Suarez harrassed several SG members.

“You are only in SG to serve yourselves, not the students,” Suarez’s resignation letter reads. “And I cannot work with people like that. Rather than turn this into a spectacle, I am going to resign with dignity.”

Suarez goes on to explain he was “repulsed” with the events of this past Friday’s House meeting. He claims that “many of [his] allies in the House did not show up” and that they were intimidated by the police officer inside the meeting, believed to be requested by SG advisors.

At this past Friday’s meeting, Suarez had one ally to speak on his behalf — his father.  

Enrique Suarez said his son doesn’t have a “gram of malice,” and that the allegations against him are unfounded.

The resolution to impeach Suarez includes 14 attachments of Facebook messages, emails, and videos as evidence of Suarez’s alleged misconduct.

However, Suarez has his own rebuttal to each point. He accused Chief Justice Isaiah Moriarity of doing an illegal background check, but the Articles say that FAU only completes a background check during an employee’s hiring process, a stage Suarez never reached.

Suarez also says Rep. Javier Bravo doctored screenshots from a Facebook group chat to frame him. Bravo stated that he was added to the group without his knowledge. According to the Articles, Suarez has not yet provided an original screenshot

“I cannot provide original group chat since I did not start it and it was taken down,” Suarez said. Suarez also said he did not initiate the chat.

“It is true that he did not initiate the chat, it was created by Sayd Hussain,” Bravo said.

Suarez’s reply to a female representative’s official email detailing committee information last week struck some House members as inappropriate, the Articles also state.

On Jan. 9, Rep. Kitana Thomas, the chair of the Ways And Means Committee, wrote:

“Hey Guys! Attached is the agenda for the committee meeting this Friday 1/11/19 in the SG conference room at 1pm. Please look over it since we don’t have any legislation to review, we will be reviewing what will be presented on the house floor along as some housekeeping information. Hope everyone had an awesome first week see you all Friday.”

Later that evening, Rep. Suarez responded, “You must really like me. Insisting I stay in your committee, taking a class with me.”

Suarez says this was a joke, according to his resignation letter.

The resignation letter ended with a statement — and a promise.

I will join media outlets and expose every one of you who are corrupt now and in the future, I will make it my job to always expose those who are hypocrites and cowards,” Suarez said. “If not in this life, then perhaps God will judge you in the end.”

Suarez signed the email with, “Most Disrespectfully, Former Rep. Alexander R. Suarez.”

“I think moving forward there will be less drama in SG,” Rep. Gabriella Miernik, who sponsored the resolution to impeach Suarez, said.

You can watch the Friday’s House meeting here.

Israel Fontoura is a contributing writer with the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected].