Should the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh be ignored?

Following multiple women’s claims against the Supreme Court appointee, four students weigh in on the matter.

Above is Brett Kavanaugh’s Yale yearbook photo. Two of the sexual misconduct allegations took place during high school parties, while the other was in a university dorm, according to the accusers. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

A judge who could possibly serve on the Supreme Court is facing accusations from three women of committing sexual assault or misconduct in the early 1980s.


Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court justice appointee, has been the center of a days-long FBI accusation. While the agency ruled that the allegations cannot be corroborated and are difficult to confirm, thousands started protesting his potential appointment.


Many are siding with one of his accusers, professor Christine Ford, who has become the focus of the Senate confirmation hearings.


With the final decision regarding Kavanaugh’s appointment expected tomorrow, four FAU students give their take on whether or not they believe he’s guilty — and if he deserves to be the next Supreme Court justice.

Kavanaugh is “innocent until proven guilty”

It is unjust to determine someone’s guilt based only on testimony.


All accusers of sexual assault deserve to be heard, but their voice and story can not be used as the only means of determining whether or not a person is guilty of sexual assault. Too many times in our nation’s history, false allegations of sexual violence have led to innocent people’s lives being ruined.


That is why a person must always be deemed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.


Despite this, some in our society are quick to deem a person guilty based solely on testimony and accusations without any concrete evidence. This very same line of thinking has allowed for there to be an estimated 20,000 people in prison over false convictions at any given time, many of which were incarcerated over rape accusations.


Over 60 women have come out in support of Judge Kavanaugh, upholding his innocence and his moral character. But professor Ford, with an allegation 36 years prior about a high school party that no witnesses have corroborated, has been used by some as proof for why Judge Kavanaugh must be guilty.


So quickly have we forgotten the sufferance of those who were accused of and punished for crimes they did not commit.


What a pity it is to live in a society where all who are accused of crimes are immediately deemed guilty.


The FBI investigation into Judge Kavanaugh found no corroborating evidence against him, but people have become too partisan to believe it.


Judge Kavanaugh has been investigated to the fullest extent, and he should be confirmed to the Supreme Court.


Ross Mellman is the opinion editor of the University Press, as well as the founder of conservative publication Right on Campus. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @RossMellman.

“This country really doesn’t care about women”

As someone who is familiar with the similar case of Anita Hill, this is a painful reminder that people constantly belittle and undermine survivors.


Anita Hill, who accused Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991, had to testify for hours in a similar fashion to professor Ford, recounting those painful events that she endured.


Throughout the Kavanaugh scandal, it’s been important for us to remember Hill. It’s important that we start standing with survivors, so that if they choose to come out or not, they feel validated.


As this scandal has taken center stage all across America, this is yet another reminder about how real rape culture is. It’s a reminder that women endure unwanted sexual advances all the time and are constantly told that whatever state they were in, what they were wearing, and what they did or did not do, made them “ask for it.”


“Boys will be boys” is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. People should know not to assault other people, and making excuses for an entire gender must always be thought of as a flawed argument.


What Ford and Hill did were moments of bravery and resilience. If the Senate confirms Kavanaugh, which clears the way for his appointment to the Supreme Court, it would show that this country really doesn’t care about women.


With the country’s current state of constant compromises on women’s health, such as the Trump administration’s proposal to restructure federal family planning program Title X and restrict women’s access to birth control, I don’t think this country ever did care about women nor ever will.


I do not believe Kavanaugh should be confirmed. I believe confirming him is insulting to those who have survived sexual assault.


Sophie Siegel is a staff writer for the University Press, the chair of the FAU Young Democratic Socialists, and the director of communications for Florida College Democrats. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected].

He “shouldn’t be let near the Supreme Court”

Sexual assault is never acceptable, yet society does not protect the victims of assault.


I stand with Dr. Ford and I believe these allegations to be true because of the counseling notes that were released, which described her take on the assault, and also because of the FBI polygraph test that found her to be telling the truth.


Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick have also come out with similar stories describing how a younger Judge Kavanaugh and his acquaintances violated women.


Someone who is accused of such a heinous crime shouldn’t be let near the Supreme Court.


A Supreme Court justice has an important responsibility to uphold and faithfully protect the U.S. Constitution. They make decisions that impact generations yet unborn. We need a Supreme Court justice that will be an exemplary member of society, and Kavanaugh doesn’t make the grade.


I believe that the U.S. Senate should put their partisanship aside and deny his confirmation.


Michaelangelo Hamilton is a contributing writer with the University Press, as well as a member of the FAU Boca campus House of Representatives. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected].

Kavanaugh didn’t “conduct himself properly during the hearing”


In today’s world, I believe that people are proven guilty through the court of public opinion and without the accused having the right to properly defend themselves.


Kavanaugh could very much be guilty of sexual assault, but there has been no hard evidence provided of his alleged crimes.


The FBI did the right thing in conducting an investigation. However, it did not seem to be done thoroughly.


They seemingly rushed through the investigation so that Kavanaugh can quickly be confirmed before the Nov. 6 midterm elections, and never looked into the third allegation from Julie Swetnick because the White House didn’t see it as “credible.” And that’s on top of not even interviewing Ford or Kavanaugh and ignoring a whole host of people who came forward with additional — maybe even crucial — information.


Besides the accusations, I did find it troubling that during his hearing with the Senate, Kavanaugh couldn’t seem to control his temper, which doesn’t bode well for his innocence.


He described the accusations against him as being a “calculated political hit” that is “fueled from pent up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election” and casted the blame as “revenge” from the Clintons and the Democrats.


Kavanaugh did not even remotely conduct himself properly during the hearing, and for this, he should not be confirmed.

Elyscia Saint-Hilaire is a contributing writer with the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email e[email protected].