Homecoming Court toes line of violation in recent video

2015 Homecoming Court candidates. Mohammed F Emran | Asst. Creative Director

Gregory Cox, Managing Editor

This year’s Homecoming Court may have fewer candidates than in the past. And by fewer, we mean none.

On Oct. 20, Owl TV posted a video on their YouTube page interviewing the Homecoming candidates.

Owl TV’s News Season 7 Episode 4. Source.

“I caught up with the nominees to see why they should be crowned,” reported Owl TV staff member Paige DeBaldo.

The issue: Candidates are not supposed to campaign before Oct. 27 according to the Homecoming Court Registration Packet rules. That’s just what all 10 of them did.

The agreement — that all candidates must sign — says “violations to any of the guidelines or policies outlined in this packet will disqualify me immediately.”

The packet has no concrete definition of campaigning.

Shannon Fahnestock, the assistant director of Homecoming, reached out to all of the candidates and asked for them to meet with Owl TV to put together a promotional video.

Her first question for the candidates: “Why should I vote for you?”

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 8.53.58 PM copyA couple weeks earlier on Oct. 6,Homecoming Director Trevor Lewis told the UP that for this article, it could not ask court members questions about why students should vote for them. He argued it would have disqualified the candidates.

Lewis did not show concerns about the video, which he had no knowledge of prior to the UP showing him.

The full Owl TV video can be found here.

Check back at upressonline.com for updates.

Gregory Cox is the managing editor of the University Press. If you would like to contact him regarding this or other articles, email him at [email protected], or follow him on Twitter.