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Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.


… You’re different, how?

I’ll admit it: I think Ralph Nader was right when he used the term “Republicrat.” I think he’s right for the most part that there really isn’t much of a difference between the two political parties – then again, I think Howard Dean is a bit too conservative. But I do sympathize more with the Democrats if only because they’re pondering moving in the right direction with health care and other issues. So it kills me when Republicans demonize Democrats, as if the first Dem was named Judas.

So recently I found a pamphlet from the Republican Party of Florida that emphasized the obvious superiority of the Republican Party. I decided to have some fun with this and asked some survey questions to some FAU College Democrats and Palm Beach County Young Democrats and see what they have to say about various issues.

The Issue: Education

RPOF: “Republicans believe that students must be challenged to learn in a school environment that is safe for students and teachers. Parents must be offered more opportunities and options and the massive bureaucracy must be reduced.

“Liberal Democrats have imposed discredited social experiments upon our schools, dumbing down the curriculum. Together with left-wing union bosses, they fight attempts to reduce the bloated education bureaucracy.”

My Questions: How do you feel about the current standards of public education? Is the majority being served? If not, what can be done to remedy this?

Dem 1: “Students are not taught to learn but to regurgitate facts or ideas over and over. Critical thinking is sorely lacking. The FCAT is proof of this. Imagine kids going to school to learn how to take a test memorizing useless facts and formulas with no development for the love of learning or thinking.”

Dem 2: “The current standards of public education nationwide and particularly in our state are inadequate. … Public Schools have to create grades 3.5, 8.5 and so on to accommodate those students held back due to the FCAT. High school seniors are being given certificates of completion instead of diplomas. … Public education today in the state of Florida stands to improve when the legislature implements the voters’ TRUE intentions with constitutional mandates, by only employing certified teachers, properly funding schools and more incentives such as scholarships and dual-enrollment opportunities.”

Dem 3: “No, I don’t think the majority are being served. Although there are many wonderful teachers, their creativity is being stifled by being forced to ‘teach to tests.'”

Dem 4: “Both Bush’s policies have not worked and continue to force students to study for a single test given each year, instead of thinking for themselves and learning ‘outside the box,’ as is important at that age. No Child Left Behind, as many, particularly Democrats, would agree, is under funded. Given more money, the system may have a better chance at succeeding, but you can’t put together a program and then expect it to work without the proper care.”

The Issue: Spending

RPOF: “Republicans have long believed that government should not spend more than it takes in and have consistently fought for a balanced budget.

“Liberal Democrats have a sad history of spending taxpayers’ money to expand government bureaucracy and fighting against a balanced budget.”

My Questions: Is it important that government balances its budget? Why or why not? If so, how can this be achieved?

Dem 1: “The budget will never be perfect and our country will always be in debt. However, there should be responsible spending, which is carefully monitored by officials and the public.”

Dem 2: “I think it is great that the state of Florida has written a law to make it illegal to run a deficit.”

Dem 3: “It’s expected of all of the US! Sure, there are times when it will not be totally balanced because of unexpected events, but this practice of giving tax cuts when the expenses have gone up so significantly is irresponsible.”

Dem 4: “It comes down to not spending money that is unnecessary. For instance, tax cuts, war in Iraq, etc.”

The Issue: Medicare/Social Security

RPOF: “Republicans believe that the senior’s safety net must be preserved for today’s beneficiaries and for the millions who will need it tomorrow.

“Liberal Democrats shamelessly scare and frighten our seniors, acting as if nothing needs to be done, offering no solutions to a true problem.”

My Question: Does Social Security need to be changed or is it fine the way it is? Why or why not?

Dem 1: “Social Security should only be given to those who need it. Americans should be taught to save and spend with responsibility.”

Dem 2: “Social Security must be changed or I might not receive it, even though I contributed to it. If I am able to receive it and it continues as is, I truly believe that the next generation after mine will not benefit even though they contributed.”

Dem 3: “I don’t believe it should be privatized. Look what happened when employees retirement funds were invested in Enron.”

Dem 4: “I know it is not a good idea to privatize.”

The Issue: God

RPOF: “Republicans believe, as the founding fathers before us, that God was a major factor in the creation of this nation and that efforts to remove Him from society altogether must be reversed.”

“Liberal Democrats are aligned with extreme left-wing elements that God should be totally excluded from public utterances.”

My Question: What should be the role of God in the US and in government?

Dem 1: “Use of a God will only appease some and alienate others which will cause division among people. The fervent religious are a minority but have a large voice. Their version of Christianity is simplistic, militant, misguided, mis-educated, and based on fear and hate. Faith should be a personal matter.”

Dem 2: “God should not have a role in government. I believe in separation of church and state. However, I believe God should play a prominent role in the United States as the first inhabitants came here to seek freedom of religion. We should be the country of respect and tolerance.”

Dem 3: “Separation of church and State should be absolute. All individuals have the right to their personal beliefs, and to worship wherever, however they choose as long as they do no harm.”

Dem 4: “Separate, as it was stated and written in the Constitution….Leave what has been done alone, let’s not undo things.”

Just as I thought, there isn’t that great of a divide between the two parties. The Democrats agree with the Republicans about education and spending – for the most part. And contrary to what the Republicans say, the Dems did not kill God; they just want him housed in a more appropriate location.

What’s really disturbing though is this: If there are general agreements on certain issues, then why are there still problems with spending and education? It looks like politics is getting in the way of a better society or maybe the parties are just paying lip service to these issues. Think about it. As election day is a whopping four months away.

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