Last Thursday the FAU Feminists Involved in Radical Empowerment/National Women’s Organization (FIRE/NOW) Association on the Boca campus held the “Take Back the Night” event. For the past two years, this night has been during the spring semester. The main organizer of the evening, Jennifer Kryshka said, “This night is an internationally held event meant to raise awareness, bring support, and unite woman against domestic violence and rape.”
The FIRE/NOW Association often sponsors several informative events during the fall, spring, and summer terms. They have launched a long-term information campaign project. Their theme is described in their literature as, “Violence is not inevitable. Rape, battering, and other forms of violence are learned behaviors; choices made to exert power and control that are reinforced by a society that defines manhood through domination.”
About 60 people attended the “Take Back the Night” event, as well as a few organizations advocating the cause. They set up several tables with relevant information and help. Some of the participants included the South Palm Beach County NOW, Planned Parenthood of South Palm Beach/Broward, the National Council of Jewish Women, Families Against Court Travesties, FACTs Court Watch, Compass, Jewish Adoption and Family Services of Palm Beach, Aid the Victims of Domestic Abuse, and HaganaH Israeli Self-Defense.
The night began with four speakers and who spoke about issues relevant to violence against women. The speakers were Angie Gifford from the FAU Victim’s services, Caren MacDonald from FACTs Court Watch, Heather Henrickson from the Broward County Prosecutor’s Offices-Sex Crimes Division, and concluded with Mike Zewe from Compass (Palm Beach Gay and Lesbian Center). Following the enlightening talks, FAU Professors Dr. Adam Dobrin and Lisa Valentine made a self-defense demonstration, which lead way to a few courageous women sharing their experiences. The night came to an end with a candle light vigil.
The evening marked a great success for the FAU FIRE/NOW Association. Jennifer Kryshka added, “My hope is that by holding ‘Take Back the Night’ at FAU, people are more aware, more informed, and more empowered by what they heard and saw.”
If you have any inquiries regarding FAU FIRE/NOW and their future events you can contact them at FAU_FIRENOW