Sameko Munroe was named the Student Governor of FAU in Broward after defeating Cynthia Lynch by a 167-105 count. Munroe will officially be sworn in as Student Governor at the first University Wide Council (UWC) meeting of the Summer A session. That meeting will take place in Boca Raton and overseen by the newest FAU University Wide President, Alvira Khan. Munroe will succeed exiting Broward Governor Nick Wight, whose contract expires on April 30th.
Munroe, a second-year FAU student, having graduated from Miami-Dade CC, takes a step up in responsibility after spending the last year as president of the Inter Club Council (ICC), an organization that oversees and maintains the wellbeing of Broward clubs and agencies. They also give yearly reports on club activity to assist the Broward Senate in their decisions on student funding.
Some of the goals Munroe wishes to accomplish while in office include creating a closer Student Government-student relationship, increasing student awareness of benefits, services and opportunities provided by Student Government, enhancing student life and activities on all campuses, initiating programs to benefit instate students as well as international and graduate students, and working with administration to lobby for concerns with parking and class schedules.
“My Inter Club Council experience served as a great introduction to Student Government for me,” says Munroe. “Not only was I able to work closely with clubs and student organizations, but also, I had the opportunity to further learn about the executive branch and legislative branch of Student Government.”
One of the first challenges Munroe will face as governor will be finding a replacement for the position of ICC Director. While no applications have been submitted as of this date, Munroe maintains that he is seeking out a replacement.
“I have a handful of advice for the new ICC Director,” says Munroe. “Be a good listener willing to go the extra mile, a problem solver, and a multi-task person. Being patient and understanding are also key elements. I will also be available to the new Director for advice if needed.”
Munroe also maintains that his relationship with University President Alvira Khan will be a good one and says he is excited to work alongside her.
“Alvira and I understand the importance of teamwork and hard work,” says Munroe. “We also believe in working effectively and efficiently for the students and assisting them in every way we can.”
This working relationship will be key as the Broward campus continues to grow and expand while continuing its efforts to meet the needs of its students.