Alexander SchraffSeniorInternational Economics3.44 GPA
Question 1.
Describe any academic, professional, and/or extracurricular experiences that qualify you to lead the University Press.
My leadership qualifications have been forged from my involvement in and outside the University. On the financial/managerial side, I was the first, the Vice President of Finance for the Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, during the Spring 2002 semester. After Spring of that year, I joined Student Government in the capacity of Attorney General and was promoted to Chief of Staff by the end of the Summer of 2002. As Chief of Staff, I was responsible for the day-to-day operations of a student government that services all of FAU’s 25,000 students. I was in direct command of a staff of 11 or more student employees. On the editorial/publishing side, in the Summer of 2002, I interned with the Department of Justice. During my internship with the Office of International Affairs, I was responsible for editing numerous briefs filed by prosecutors seeking to extradite criminals living abroad. These briefs were long, consisting of 40 pages or more, and highly technical in legal concepts and terminology.
Question 2.Describe a major strength and a major weakness of the University Press. A major strength of the University Press would be the wide readership by the students and professors alike. A major weakness is the lack of coverage of student issues being deliberated by either Administration or Student Government. A lot of decisions that affect the daily lives of students are made within the two aforementioned groups.
Question 3.Describe the most important goal you want to accomplish as editor. The one of the many accomplishments that we had in Student Government this year was when FAU’s Student Government Association was chosen to be among 3 finalists for the Best Student Government Award by Florida Leader Magazine. Another award they give out is Best Student Newspaper. I not only want to make it to the finals… the University Press will win that award in 2004.
Question 4.Describe any changes you might make internally to improve the harmony, efficiency, and quality of the University Press and its staff.
In a highly competitive atmosphere, as a newsroom tends to be, it is so important to stress the importance of mutual respect and trust within an organization. I plan to hold an open house/workshop/retreat at the beginning of Fall 2003. This workshop event will serve three purposes. One, to bring current employees out of their element and focus on team-building exercises. Two, to introduce prospective writers to the current UP team, and three, to serve as an academic seminar, bringing in professors, journalists and editors from around the state.
Question 5.Explain the role of the University Press in the FAU community, and how you might improve the coverage of that community.
The University Press should be a medium through which students can truly broadcast their grievances as well as complements of their University. However, students should not be the only ones writing for it. We should invite faculty and administration to submit articles that give their perspective. We should learn from each other’s experiences and ideas, and the University Press is the means through which we can communicate those experiences and ideas. Another goal of mine is to expand the University Press outside of campus. I want a UP Red Box outside of Boca Raton’s City Hall, Town Center, banks, gas stations, etc. The community wants to know what’s going on at FAU, and to expand the UP’s coverage is the way to do it.
Reference: Nick Kalman, SG officer, 561-866-3190