Dear creators of Grand Theft Auto 4, Having played Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto Vice City and now the latest reincarnation, Grand Theft Auto 4, my question to the game’s publisher Rockstar Games remains: any chance for some NEW ideas for your top-selling game?
Every new version of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) raises the graphic details, offers a new storyline, and brings the player to a new land. Can we say ‘Rinse, wash, repeat?’ After all, isn’t that the exact formula for all sequels?
It’s not all bad – I did have fun playing Vice City, played quite a few missions, and tried to finish the whole game. But the same as with Playstation 3’s GTA4, as the hours wear on, I just want to run and gun, earning as many police stars as possible, typing in cheat codes to amass the best weapons for the ultimate police showdown. The new cover system, allowing shooting behind corners, was the only new addition that stood out and really improved game play.
I have never felt truly compelled to finish all of the missions in any of the GTA games. The best games out there – you will want to finish, they offer you a drive that you won’t want to miss out on the storyline. But to be honest, going out on simulated dates and playing fake darts and bowling to appease my company seems out of place, trivial, and just plain boring in a world filled with guns and stealing cars.
Grand Theft Auto 4, $60. Playstation 3, Xbox 360. Out now.