Novem is named after a group of nine Harrison State University students that died in a tragic van/semi accident in 1973. Before they died, they went on a musical retreat to record their songs. Luckily for Jordan, a 2004 Harrison State student, he ended up buying a box with all their songs and film reels for five bucks at a garage sale. The rest of the story is how present-day Harrison students piece together the found film containing several days of the Novem group.
This film reminds me of the Blair Witch Project because each film created a ‘buzz’ about a truthful documentary by putting it on the web. The difference is that the filmmakers of Novem are actually talented and put together an excellent and ‘chilling’ story and the Blair Witch Project made over 350 million dollars profit. Throughout the film it becomes difficult to figure out whether or not this actually happened. It is almost like the music is too good to not be part of a fantastic story. Even the actors pull this one off.