Florida Atlantic University's first student-run news source.

Column: The Road Trip From Hell

Ever drive into a hurricane by accident? One of our writer’s 700-mile trek to dodge the storm and return home.

October 10, 2017

Waking up to a call from FAU police isn’t usually a good thing. And waking up to a call from FAU police the night before one of the largest storms in American history hits is even worse.

“Hello Mr. Lynch,” the deputy said. “We noticed the window on your Kia Sorento was cracked open and it may be good for you to close it. There is a fair amount of rain in the forecast today.”

Gas pumps are wrapped in plastic at a Sunoco station in Tampa. Most had that wrapping or plastic bags, which I called the “yellow plastic bags of death.” Ryan Lynch | Business Manager

> Continue Reading: Ryan’s trip thru Irma

Ryan Lynch is the business manager of the University Press. For information regarding this or other stories, email [email protected] or tweet him @RyanLynchwriter.

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