Upcoming Art ShowsLindsay Moore Photo Manager
For all you who have a passion for art (or just enjoy the free food), you are in luck this week. With three student art show openings, there is plenty to see and enjoy.
The University Center Art Gallery will be hosting “Visualizing Race,” the first art exhibit to be displaying issues of both DNA and race. Thirteen graduate art students took samples of their own DNA to determine their combined racial admixture. This exhibit explores identity and science using contemporary art concepts. The opening reception will be Wednesday April 18th from 6 pm to 8 pm and will be on display through May 6th. The University Center Art Gallery is located on the first floor of the University Center in Boca Raton.
The Bachelor of Fine Art students will be putting on their end of the semester show “Cubicide” in the Ritter Gallery. This show is always something all art students look forward to at the end of the semester and is open to the public. There is free food, free wine, live music and a gallery full of art. With 27 talented artists, this exhibit will display a broad range of mediums and something for everyone to enjoy – sculpture, ceramics, painting, installation, graphic design and photography. Opening reception will be held Thursday, April 19th from 7 pm to 9 pm. Don’t be late or you might miss out on your free wine!
“Cubicide” will be on display until May 4th. The Ritter Gallery is located on the second floor of the Breezeway on the Boca Raton campus adjacent to the library. Hours are Tuesday – Friday 1 pm to 4 pm, Saturday 1 pm to 5 pm and closed Sunday and Monday.
A combined opening reception of the Masters of Fine Art students’ exhibition will also be held April 19th from 6 pm to 9 pm. The MFA exhibition will be held in the Schmidt Gallery located in the Performing Arts building on the Boca Raton campus. The work created from these Masters students is always detailed, focused and amazing. After dedicating their Masters program on their work and concepts, it is definitely something to make a night out of.