Student Government Scholarshipfor Undergraduates & Graduates:Be enrolled at least half time, that is,for undergraduates 6 credits; graduatestudents 5 credits. Must beseeking a 4 year degree or a graduatedegree. Have a minimum GPA of2.5 or higher. Must be a US citizenor permanent resident. also need toprovide a letter of recommendationfrom an instructor, employer or advisor.The letter must be the original,CURRENT, and NOT from a relative.UWC members and Student Governmentmembers receiving tuitionreimbursements are ineligible.Rotary International’s AmbassadorialScholarships: The RotaryFoundation offers scholarships tostudents looking to study abroad.Last year, awards totaled $428million. Get your share! Encouraginginternational understanding andfriendly relations, the Rotary Internationaloffers funding to studentswho wish to study in foreign countries.Applications are processedthrough local clubs, so you will needto obtain the phone number for theone nearest you. The scholarship isintended for a candidate who will bein the country for one year. Duringthe application process, you will betested in your foreign language. Asthe Rotary says, you are to act asan ambassador, doing communityservice and speaking on behalf ofthe organization during your timethere. When you return home, theRotary Club will expect a furtherspeech communicating your experiencesand actions while representingthe U.S.A. and the Rotary Cluboverseas. If you have proficiency ina foreign language, and are interested,log on to more information.
March 10, 2006
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