…Aside from studying, what do you do to prep for midterms?
Jackie DabulJunior: Psychology”I eat saltine crackers and drink water, because they fill you up since I don’t have time to eat regular meals in between all the studying.”
Terrence HoodSophmore: Health Administration”Sleep.”
Glenn WalterGrad Student: Education and Leadership”I eat something before an exam. I can’t concentrate without something in my stomach.”
Veronica HidalgoSenior: Communication Disorders”I try to do anything to distract myself the day before to reduce test anxiety.”
Soni JamesSenior: Criminal Justice”I go out the night before.”
Aaron SchmelzerSenior: Criminal Justice”I drink a couple beers before a midterm.”
Sarah AustinoFreshman: Criminal Law”If I get too stressed, then I go to the beach for a day to de-stress.”
Alaina ScerboSenior: Communications”I wait until the last minute and I cram!”