Every week members of the UP Staff will pick one of FAU’s sporting events. Anyone with a correct pick will receive 1 point and the closest score will receive 1 point. Rick “$mitty” Smith has won for the second week in a row by precisely picking FAU women’s soccer 3-1 over Gardner-Webb. Since I refuse to lose to a guy who uses a dollar sign in his name, this means war. Look for the standings at the end of this week’s picks.
The Pick for this week will be FAU football at home vs. Nicholls State
Corey ZimmerThe Owls are close to being ranked for the second time of the season and Nicholls State should be wary. Players are ready for revenge from last year, so FAU 24 NSU 13.
Rick “$mitty” SmithHAHA sometimes it’s better to be lucky then good. FAU is coming off of a huge road win and it’s time to get our second home victory of the season. FAU is on the other side of a “blow out” for the first time as they win 24-10
Todd WalshFAU will win because Nicholls State beat us last year, and paybacks are . . . well, bad. FAU 27 NSU 20
Kay TrudelFAU’s offense is unstoppable this season. Jared Allen is leading the team to many victories. FAU will demolish Nicholls State 35-14. Watch out for FAU in the following games on the season, you may be surprised with their final record.
Benjamin Dyall As usual, my pick in football will have to go against FAU, as they have not given me the confidence to pick them for a win. FAU’s football team needs to gain consistency in order to be a worthwhile competitor. Nichols State will win big, 28-9.
David EllisIt’s finally happening! FAU will continue its winning streak embarrassing N State by a score of 24 – 6 in front of hometown Owl fans.
Shane EnosLook for the football team to win this week, due to an improved passing game and its steady running game. FAU 21 NSU 10.
StandingsRick “$mitty” Smith   4Corey Zimmer          2Todd Walsh             1David Ellis                1Kay Trudel               0Benjamin Dyall         0Shane Enos             0