The women’s team has come a long way to take the lead in the Atlantic Sun Conference. Some of us doubted the credibility of this team. As my curiosity grew stronger about the performance of the team, I took it upon myself to talk to one of tmost valuable players on the team, Molly Keating. As a senior at FAU I take great pride in my home soccer teams. This interview will help students understand the bond between the players, and a bit more about Keating, starting goalkeeper for the FAU women’s soccer team.
Q: When did you start playing soccer?
A: I started playing soccer at a very young age, but I’ve been a goalie for nine years.
Q: How was the transition from playing high school soccer to college soccer?
A: It was insightful, exciting and pretty intense because of all the responsibility I had.
(Molly started all 22 games her freshman season.)
Q: Do you get along with your teammates?
A: Yes! When you share the same love for something it’s easy to get along.
Q: Besides winning the A-Sun Defensive-Player-of-the-Week for the second time this season, what else would you like to accomplish?
A: I would like to win a championship ring.
Q: What other position do you enjoy playing besides goalie?
A: None.
Q: Why?
A: Because I love being a goalie.
Q: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
A: I don’t have that much free time but when I do get a chance to relax, I study or take a nap.
(Molly also owns a jack russell dog by the name of Adi.)
Q: Do you have any responsibilities at home?
A: Actually I moved away from home for college. I used to live in Tampa with my parents.
Q: How did they react to the change?
A: They were happy, they wanted me out of the house. However they support me, and respect the decisions that I make.
Q: What are your goals for the future?
A: Hopefully [to] play for an international team or coach a major league team.
Q: What are you currently majoring in?
A: Sociology.
Q: Why?
A: Because that was the only easy major available.