The Perfect Storm — In the fall of 1991, the fishing boat Andrea Gail left Gloucester, Massachusetts, and headed for the depths of the North Atlantic. Two weeks later, an amalgam of weather conditions formed one of the most killer storms in history.
UP Says — The calm before the storm is what really makes this a standout disaster movie. Each character is layered with emotion, and knowing that the entire story is based on true events will really tug at your heartstrings. If you missed this one in the theater, try to watch it on a big screen; the towering walls of water are amazing.
Classic Quote — Bobby: I got a woman who I can’t stand to be two feet away from. Captain Billy: Congratulations. Bobby: Then again, I love to fish. Captain Billy: Son, you’ve got a problem.
Volcano — After a minor earthquake rocks Los Angeles, a burst of lava is released from the La Brea Tar Pits. Emergency Management director Mike Roark (Tommy Lee Jones) and seismologist Dr. Amy Barnes (Anne Heche) join forces to save the day as river of lava begins to slowly creep into the streets, destroying everything in its path.
UP Says — Perhaps the most visually stunning disaster flick of the bunch, Volcano is pure entertainment from start to finish. After the first half-hour the ridiculous plot is no longer a factor. The characters actually seem real even if they are continuously being upstaged by the lava and ash. Overall, it’s simply a great way to spend two hours on the couch with some popcorn – you won’t be disappointed. Classic Quote — Roark: Let me tell you what’s south of us: no more museums, no more department stores, just homes! People! If we turn and run now, they’re going to be defenseless! You don’t like my plan? That’s good. Give me another plan, but don’t tell me we’re backing out!
Armageddon — After a devastating attack by hundreds of small meteorites, NASA discovers a “global killer” asteroid is on a collision course with Earth. They recruit the world’s best deep core driller, Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis), who, in turn, recruits his team of roughnecks to get the job done.
UP Says — This doomsday tale may defy several laws of science, but it follows every rule of great filmmaking. Armageddon is a feel-good story about patriotism, heroism, and the value of the common working man. Those that don’t see its carefully crafted themes will still enjoy the explosions and mass destruction.
Classic Quote — Harry: The United States Government just asked us to save the world. Anyone wanna say no?
Twister — TV weatherman William Harding (Bill Paxton) wants to finalize the divorce with his tornado-hunter wife, JoAnne (Helen Hunt). Their personal lives quickly take a back seat as a series of intense storms threatens Oklahoma. Reunited with his team of storm chasers, William attempts to introduce a revolutionary measuring device into the heart of several extremely violent tornados.
UP Says — Nature’s fury is shown through state-of-the-art computer graphics in this disaster flick. The eccentric characters add to the fun in the moments between the raging tornados, flying cows, and exploding trucks. This film is twice as good when experienced in surround sound. Not surprisingly, Twister was the first movie ever released on DVD.
Classic Quote — Jo: You’ve never seen it miss this house, and miss that house and then come after you!
The Towering Inferno — The finishing touches have just been made to the Glass Tower, a 138-story skyscraper in the heart of San Francisco. Architect, Doug Roberts (Paul Newman) returns from vacation only to discover inferior wiring was used throughout the building. Short circuits begin to spark and soon the tower is ablaze. Fire Chief Michael O’Hallorhan (Steve McQueen) concocts a daring plan to rescue the guests trapped on the 135th floor.
UP Says — This is arguably the best disaster film ever. Hollywood’s biggest stars (1974) and Oscar-winning special effects combine to make Inferno a masterpiece. The film is eerily prophetic in two respects: First, O.J. Simpson portrays Jernigan, the building’s senior security guard. The majority of his screen time is spent saving a cute, fluffy cat from the burning building – could the same man really have been guilty of murder? Second, the opening scene after the credits has this statement onscreen …TO THOSE WHO GIVE THEIR LIVES SO THAT OTHERS MIGHT LIVE — TO THE FIRE FIGHTERS OF THE WORLD — THIS FILM IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED.Unfortunately, in the face of tragedy, we know all too well the importance of that message.
Classic Quote — Senator Parker: I would suggest that those of us with stout hearts and trim waistlines start using the stairs. Jim Duncan: That’s 135 floors! Senator Parker: All downhill.