Students watched their language and tried to demonstrate the best of college life on the weekend of November 15 through 17, and phrases like, “Do we have to go to bed?” “Wow, that was fun, can we do it again?” “If we do this, you can’t tell mom” were heard repeatedly.
The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College hosted its first ever “Lil Sibs Weekend” over the long Veteran’s Day weekend. Sponsored by the Office of Residential Life, the program included a variety of activities designed for younger siblings, cousins, and family friends who would spend a weekend in the college environment and learn all the high points of college life and play games with their older sibs.
For a fee of $20, the siblings got a t-shirt, a tote bag, a pen, a water bottle, a bubble blower, a hat, a frame to decorate, a squishy fish, an ID tag, an “office of residential life” key chain, a free movie ticket, and an all expense paid trip to the dining hall, where they actually prepared a good brunch on Saturday morning. The older siblings even got a movie ticket and t-shirt!
Friday night from 6 to 8 p.m., the little sibs began arriving for check-in. Although it wasn’t included in the weekend, many older sibs snuck their little sibs to dinner in the dining hall. There was an ice cream social in the dining hall from 8 to 9 p.m., and after that, there were several activities in which the youngsters participated. Board games, a video game marathon, and a game of manhunt kept the little sibs and their hosts busy until 11 p.m.
Saturday morning, from 8 until 11 a.m., the little sibs were invited to watch cartoons in the third floor activity room of Residence Hall #1. Brunch that morning was excellent, with pancakes, cupcakes, cookies, eggs, juice, and fresh fruit.
Unfortunately, the scavenger hunt, poolside luau, and trip to the beach were cancelled due to the rainy weather, but that didn’t stop the little sibs from having a great time. The luau was held in the MLC Atrium, games in the third floor activity room of residence hall #1, as well as cookie decorating in the evening.
Even in the building, the luau was a success. Students and their little sibs had a ball playing with beach balls, doing the limbo, and having contests. One very messy contest involved opening and eating a banana covered in chocolate syrup without your hands. The younger sibs that won got a coconut cup for a prize.
Students went to Abacoa Crown Theatres on Saturday evening to see a movie, and the choices included The Santa Clause 2, 8 Mile, Harry Potter 2, and more.
On Sunday morning, with many stories and souvenirs to share with their friends, the little sibs went home, leaving their college life behind. All the RA’s helped out with this very successful event, and both the little sibs and students had a fun-filled weekend.
Perhaps a little hastily planned, the weekend should have been at a less stressful time. Less than a month before finals and the same weekend as the very college-oriented Theatre In The Raw performances was not the ideal time to have the little sibs come visit, but nonetheless, the weekend was well-enjoyed and a great idea.